Did you just finish your secondary school in Nigeria and searching for the next step to take without writing JAMB UTME / POST UTME twice? Then you are at the right place.
This is also the right place for you if you want to know How to Gain Admission into any University in Nigeria.
Many students make so many common mistakes when it comes to seeking admission into any of the tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
As a result, many students re-write JAMB again and again.
What Next After Waec?
If you are a student in Nigeria then this post is for you because if you are aspiring to further your education into any of the tertiary institutions then you are expected to apply for JAMB UTME.
Congratulation! you are advancing to a higher academic standards. The next thing after weac is JAMB UTME, so you passing waec, you have to get ready for jamb because jamb has been the popular pass-way to gain admission in Nigeria and it gets harder by the year.
Back in the days, gaining admission into a Nigeria University was easy; you just need to write SENIOR WAEC.
Then just few people are opportune to write the WAEC, hence few students apply for Admission.
But now, every year, hundreds of thousands of students graduate from Secondary school, giving all these students admission is not really possible, hence the ALMIGHTY JAMB UTME was introduced. A way to screen out many waec candidates.
What should I do after writing Jamb?
If your jamb score is good then congratulation to you because crossing over jamb universities cut off mark is not as easy as you think.
The mistakes many students make is that they think that if they should blast their jamb mark everything is set for them, admission must be given to them so they feel relax to study for post Utme.
After Jamb what you need is to prepare for the university Post Utme or Screening. What should I do after my post Utme or Screening? Post-UTME / Screening is the major issues all students should look at and work towards it, don’t relax, whether you passed your JAMB excellently or not.
This is one of the reasons why candidates don’t gain admission with scores above 250 in Jamb.
If you think you blast jamb by scoring 280 or 290 and your post utme is not up to the University post utme cut off mark, seriously you will be denied admission.
What you have to know is that Post Utme is made up of two ways which are; By an aptitude test i.e (Exam) By Screening of credentials i.e ( your waec and Jamb result) So kindly take your post utme more serious than your Jamb exam, University award admission to students that merit there fixed cut mark.

Easy Steps to Gain Admission?
There is an adage that says “A school of thought believes ‘it doesn’t matter what you study, just get a good grade and jobs will find you out’. I support that theory, many of our students always go for Professional courses than Career Courses which in the end they are been deny admission.
LEARNIFYHUB, we make it short by summarizing everything that can help you gain admission by not letting a year pass you by, check it out and know what to do.
1: Apply for Courses that are less competitive.
2: Apply to Universities that are easy to gain admission.
3: Have two courses in mind such as Professional Courses or Career Courses for supplementary purposes.
4: Always Know the Calculation of Your Universities aggregate admission Points.
In case you have any question to ask kindly drop your question below in the comment box below for a proper guide, We will appreciate if actually this information is useful by getting your comment and sharing it on social media.