
How to Reprint JAMB Slip 2024/2025 Date on For Exam Center & Date

How to Reprint JAMB SlipJAMB reprinting 2024/2025 can be easily done without mistakes after you finish reading this article.


And also note that we will be using 2023 images as samples on this blog post for easy guides.

Please Check the complete steps we wrote below for you and other candidates on how they can re-print their JAMB UTME registration slip online.

Steps To Re-Print JAMB 2024/2025 Slip Online

Important url for reprinting jamb  slip

If you want to reprint your slip without login in to your JAMB profile, here is the short process or direct link to print it out.


The below url is for printing of JAMB Mock slip. It’s important you also know this.

How can I check my jamb 2024/2025 slip?

Let’s be candid, (joint admission and matriculation Board) JAMB Slip Reprinting is done for the sole purpose of your Jamb Exam Date, also the Time and Centre you are to take your exam.

Here is the simple steps you should take or follow to reprint your jamb slip

  • Visit the Jamb Reprinting portal at
  • Enter Jamb registration number, Email or SMS
  • Re-Print Jamb slip.

Can I reprint my jamb slip in any cyber cafe?

Yes you can reprint your JAMB slip from the cyber cafe or any computer business center.


But when it comes to JAMB registration, it’s done in JAMB accredited centers Nationwide.

As for jamb reprinting please do it anywhere you like but be careful while giving them you details.

how to Print jamb slip  How to Reprint JAMB Slip

Your jamb examination slip is compulsory and So in this article we will show you to print your jamb examination slip 2024/2025 easily.

It is an easy-to-follow, simple, and complete guide for all UTME 2024/2025 candidates. In case you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below this post.

How To Reprint Jamb Slip 2024/2025


Follow these steps if you want to get your 2024/2025 jamb slip which contains important things about your exam.

  1. Go to reprinting slip portal .
  2. or log to jamb portal
  3. Enter your jamb registration number, email address or phone number.
  4. Make the email address or phone number you entered is the one that you used to register for jamb.
  5. Click on the print slip button.
  6. You can save the slip as a PDF file on your phone then proceed to any computer cafe to print it out.
  7. You can also go to any computer cafe to reprint jamb slip  easily but you will have to pay two hundred naira (₦200).
  8. Do some photocopies, five (5) is okay.

When Is The Date For 2024 Jamb Reprinting

jamb reprint

The printing of jamb slip has already started. Jamb reprinting starting date , that’s when it will start.

Keep checking currentschoolgist as we will update this post with the reprinting date when the board (JAMB) finally decides on it and officially declare a particular date. But as for now,  after the registration, the printing of exam slip will be just few days before the exam commence.

How Many Times Can I Print out My Jamb Exam Slip

You can print out your exam slip as much as you can. There is no limit to this. However, I don’t see any reason why you need to print out your jamb slip more than once. This is why you need to do photocopies, in case you misplaced the original slip.

When Is The Deadline For Printing Out of Jamb slip 2024/2025 examination

There is usually no deadline or closing date for the printing out of jamb exams slip. But you should know this; you can’t enter the exam hall without this slip.

What am I trying to say? Print out your jamb slip as soon as possible or as soon as the reprinting exercise commence.

How Much Does It Cost To Re-Print JAMB Slip?

Printing of your exam slip should not cost you that much. Although we understand that gas or diesel prices has gone up so budget like 200 to 500 naira. Remember that you can print at the place you registered your jamb.

While printing the slip tell them to please make photocopy of the slip, this should cost you some extra 20 naira or more depending on the number of copies you want to make.

Its your choice to make it coloured copies or black and white. If you have the budget for that fine but if your money is not enough for that dont worry just stick with the black and white.

Ensure that your photography is clear and the important details like registration number, names and exam time and date are clearly seen.

Can candidate Print The Slip Anywhere apart from jamb Centres?

Yes, when it comes to reprinting of UTME jamb slip, it can be done anywhere as it requires no much protocol unlike the registration of the exams.
The most important things you need to print your slip is an internet connection, PC, printer that’s all

You might ask, “is it a must that i print my jamb slip at CBT centre?” you dont necessary need to print your slip in CBT centre. Its optional.

Does The Color Of The Jamb Exam Slip Matter?

We got some UTME jamb candidates who are concerned about the type of printing that should be done as regards to coloured or black and white.

What Will The Jamb 2024/2025 examination Slip contain

The slip will contain almost everything about your exam and even you (your data). It will contain:

  • Your jamb  exam date.
  • Your examination center.
  • The time in which you are to do your exam.
  • Your personal details like your email address, phone number, names, jamb registration number, etcetera.
  • Some basic jamb rules and regulations that you should know.

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Have you printed out your utme  slip nowDo you have any questions related to jamb reprinting date , registration, the exam or any questions concerning gaining admission into educational institutions in Nigeria?

Drop them in the comment section below and you are going to get a reply from me as soon as possible.

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