Simple Christmas Dinner Prayer, Christmas is the time of the year when we get to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Indeed, it is a festive period and the best holiday for Christians all over the world.
The best part of the Christmas celebration is the opportunity to be with your friends and family.
For many people, it is the period that they get to see their loved ones living across states or abroad.
A sumptuous dinner is a highlight of the Christmas celebration.
It is necessary to know some simple Christmas dinner prayers for family and friends.

15 Short and Simple Christmas Dinner Prayer for Family & Friends
In this post, I will show you short and simple dinner prayers for Christmas dinner with your friends and family.
I will love to hear from you. What do you love most about the Christmas celebration?
Dear heavenly father,
We thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
It is with joy that we gather at this table to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
As we eat, may the blessings of the Christmas celebration abound with us. Amen.
Dear Father,
We thank you for this meal that you have provided for us. As we eat, may it nourish our body and soul. Bless this food and bless us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Amen.
Loving father,
We thank you for bringing us together as a family. It is with a joyful heart that we celebrate Christmas – the birth of Jesus.
It is our prayer that you bless this food for us. Amen.
Lord of all,
Thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to save us. It is happiness that we gather at this table to celebrate the salvation of our souls.
As we eat, may the blessing of Christmas abide with us now and forever. Amen.
Dear father,
We have gathered here today to celebrate as a family in Christ. As we eat our Christmas dinner, may it bring to us peace, joy and fruitfulness. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Christmas is a time of the year that we gather together as a family to celebrate the birth of Christ.
It is our prayer that you guide our hearts towards the essence of the Christmas celebration.
We pray that you come and join us at this dinner table as we eat our meal in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear heavenly father,
Thank you for bringing us together as a family at this dinner table. We are grateful for how you have kept us throughout the year. May this Christmas celebration strengthen our love for Christ more and more. Amen.
Oh lord,
We bow our heads in appreciation for sending your son Jesus Christ to bring us close to you.
It is our prayer that we continue to serve you in love. Let this Christmas meal give our body nutrients. Amen.
Dear Lord,
We thank you for this Christmas meal. As we eat together as a family, may the love of Christ dwell in our hearts. Amen.
Dear Jesus,
We celebrate your birth at this table as a family.
Thank you for providing this Christmas meal. We also pray that you provide for all those who have no food.
We pray for your blessings upon their lives. Amen.
Dear Lord,
We thank you for the holiday season. It is with a joyful heart that we sit together as family and friends to eat.
We pray that the food will bring joy into our lives. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
We come to you in prayer today for our Christmas meal.
May this food bless our souls and remind us of the importance of the Christmas celebration. Amen.
Eternal Lord,
I want to use this opportunity to thank you for keeping my family and friends.
Thank you for bringing us together at this dinner prayer.
We pray that as we eat, your love will spread in hearts. Amen.
Almighty God,
We pray that the celebration of the birth of your son, Jesus Christ, brings us closer to you. Give us the zeal to serve you in love and unity. Come and eat with us at this table. Amen.
God, our creator,
We offer our hearts to you at this Christmas table.
At this moment, we remind ourselves of the true essence of the Christmas celebration.
Help us to spread the love of Christ every day of our lives. Amen.
Loving father,
Help us to celebrate the birth of your son Jesus Christ in love and unity. May our hearts do not deviate from the purpose of the Christmas celebration. Amen.
Lord and giver of all things,
We thank you for keeping us as a family. Thank you for your grace and protection.
Most importantly, we are grateful for coming to this world to save us.
As we eat, may this food enrich our soul and body. Amen.
Dear Lord,
We give thanks for this delicious Christmas meal. We invite you to eat with us. Amen.
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