This is the examination taken by candidates in their last stage of Secondary School Education. The SSCE is in two categories. One is for candidates in the third and final year of their senior secondary education and it is called SSCE Internal while the Second is SSCE External and is for candidates not in the School system, i.e. Private Candidates.
What is Neco?
The National Examination Council is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and November/December respectively.
When Is Neco Exam Starting?
The NECO 2023 SSCE Internal Examination starts on July 3rd, 2023. When does the NECO 2023 SSCE Internal Examination end?
When Is Neco 2023/2024 Starting
The NECO SSCE internal has seventy-six subjects. The examination has been schedule to starts on Monday, 27th June, 2023 and ends on July 3rd, 2023.
How to Pass Neco Exam?
How to Pass NECO Examination Excellently
Here are tips on how to prepare and pass your NECO examination excellently;
- Know The NECO Exam Format
- Study with The NECO Syllabus
- Create A Study Timetable
- Read Your SSCE Notes
- Read and Study
- Practice NECO Past Questions
- Join A Group Study
- Practice NECO Questions Online
- Attend NECO Tutorials
- Write NECO Mock Exam
- Eat and Exercise
- Avoid Social Media Distractions
- Believe in Yourself
Know The NECO Exam Format

The first step to preparing for any examination is to know the format of the exam. It is necessary to know the exam format and the way to solve the problems.
Also, you need to know the number and subject combination for the exam. In NECO, you must register for at least six subjects and at most nine subjects.
The English Language is compulsory for Science, Art and Commercial students.
Theory and multiple-choice questions are the nature of the NECO exam. Science students write the practical exam in Physics, Chemistry and Biology for WASSCE.
I recommend that you follow the directives of your teachers in your secondary school. Ask questions about the NECO exam format to get more clarification.
Study with The NECO Syllabus

Studying the NECO syllabus is the secret to passing the SSCE exam with an excellent grade. The West Africa Examination Council (NECO) syllabus contains topics that you must study.
The syllabus serves as a guide for students to read topics they would encounter in the exam.
Studying outside the syllabus is the sure way to failure. You must read only the topics in the syllabus.
By default, every school uses the NECO syllabus from SSS 1 to SSS3 learning. It is advisable to go through the syllabus not to omit any topic during your study.
The NECO syllabus serves as a guide to how what you should study. For example, you will know which topic to read first before going on to the next.
Create A Study Timetable

Creating a perfect study timetable is necessary for you to perform well in your exam. You have to assign a different subject for each particular day. For example, you can decide to study Physics on Monday, Chemistry on Tuesday and so on.
Your daily study timetable must not comprise many topics that you cannot read.
Set your study schedule to something that you can achieve every day.
Read according to the pace that you understand. Because your friend reads five topics in a day should not intimidate you. Do not adopt such a style when you yet know your reading capacity.
There is no reward for the first person to finish the syllabus. Passing your exams in flying colours is the goal and nothing else.
Start your preparations early enough to cover the syllabus no matter what your reading pace could be.
Creating a perfect study timetable is not enough. Stick to it every day. I know that studying for an exam is not an easy task, but you must persevere to burn the midnight candle.
Do not give up or try to encourage your laziness. It is far more fulfilling to pass your NECO once and for all in one sitting than to rewrite the exam next year.
The time to pay the price for an excellent result is now. Make sure that you stick with your study timetable.
NECO Study Timetable
Science Student Study Timetable
Here is a sample of a NECO study timetable for Science students taking the following subjects;
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Agricultural Science
- Geography
- Civic Education
- Economics
Monday | English Language | Economics | English Language |
Tuesday | Agricultural Science | Mathematics | Biology |
Wednesday | Geography | English Language | Physics |
Thursday | Economics | Physics | Economics |
Friday | Chemistry | Geography | Agricultural Science |
Saturday | Mathematics | Mathematics | Physics |
Sunday | Biology | Civic Education | Chemistry |
This table contains the study timetable for Science students taking the NECO examination
Art & Commercial Student Study Timetable
Here is a sample of a NECO study timetable for Art and Commercial students taking the following subjects;
- Mathematics
- English Language
- Government
- Literature in English
- Economics
- Commerce
- Nigerian Languages (Yoruba or Igbo or Hausa)
- Civic Education
Monday | English Language | Economics | English Language |
Tuesday | Commerce | Mathematics | Government |
Wednesday | CRS/IRS | English Language | Literature in English |
Thursday | Economics | Government | Economics |
Friday | Commerce | Geography | Literature in English |
Saturday | CRS/IRS | CRS/IRS | Government |
Sunday | Nigerian Language | Civic Education | Chemistry |
This table contains the study timetable for Art and Commercial students taking the NECO examination
If you have any problem setting up a study timetable, let me know in the comment box at the end of this post.
Read Your SSCE Notes

Reading your SSCE note is also a vital key to passing your NECO exam. You must know everything that you have done since your SSS 1 class till now.
Your notes will make you study well as they will help enhance your understanding as you read your textbooks.
When you are having difficulties understanding a topic, consult your old notebooks. It will help to make things easy for you.
Get your old notes to study the topics in the NECO syllabus.
Study your notes with the recommended textbooks for NECO that is at the end of this post.
Read and Study

Reading and studying is the only way to pass your examination with flying colours. There are no two ways about it. It is the only secret to how you can make A’s in NECO.
Reading your notes and textbooks is not enough. You must study between the lines to understand the topics in the syllabus.
The spirit of laziness makes you want to skip difficult topics. Do not try it or else you will encounter problems on the day of your exam.
Tell me topics that you have difficulties understanding in the comment section. I will give you the guidelines on how you can tackle the problem.
Also, for difficult topics, watch tutorials on YouTube and search for an explanation on Google. Besides, meet your secondary school teachers to solve your problems.
Some subjects like Mathematics and Physics may need constant practice with problems.
How to Read and Understand
- Read at a specific time every day.
- Attempt to solve the calculation questions in your textbooks and examples in class.
- Do not cram the calculations in your note or textbooks.
- Study your note and textbooks between the lines.
- Understand the concepts on a page before moving to the next.
- Do not check your WhatsApp and Facebook during study hours.
- Learn and understand the steps for calculations.
- Do not lie down when you are reading.
- Study in a serene environment with no form of distractions.
- Plan your study ahead of time.
- Use mnemonics to study that helps you to recall what you read.
- Create a perfect study environment.
- Do not read text aloud when you study.
- Suppress every feeling of laziness.
NECO Syllabus

The NECO syllabus is a subject outline for each topic you need to study for the NATIONAL examination. NECO syllabus serves as a guide for students to know what to read and understand for the exam.
Every student must prepare for their examinations using the NECO syllabus. It is the only way to prepare for the exam.
Here is the NECO syllabus for all the subjects you will write in your forthcoming exams. Both the NECO and JAMB syllabus is the same.
How to Answer NECO Questions
The best way to answer NECO questions is to prepare for the exam and be confident with your answers. Learn how to answer multiple-choice and essay questions.
Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed with anxiety. Fear prevents you from utilizing your full potential. It will make you choose the wrong options and not perform well in your exam.
Sometimes, anxiety can make your head go blank in the exam hall. That will not be your portion during your exam. Turn your fear into motivation to prepare for your exam.
I recommend that you do not waste time with unfamiliar questions. Attempt the questions that you know before tackling other problems.
Also, learn to work on your own inside the exam hall. Do not make the mistake of trying to collaborate with other classmates inside the exam hall.
Collaborating with other students inside the exam hall will affect your performance. As you are preparing, make the decision that you want to be independent during the exam.
When you decide to work alone, your brain will make you study harder for your exams. This inner push is because you know there is no other way to pass your exams.
It is necessary to obey the instructions of the NECO officials in your exam centre. Violating any of the rules may lead you to failure.
Never be in a rush to answer questions in the exam.
Read the instructions in the question paper before you begin the test. For example, you have to answer four questions out of six questions in the question booklet.
Online Quiz for SSCE Students
Online quiz for SSCE students is a platform like Myschool Classroom students practice NECO multiple-choice and theory questions. Other online quizzes for SSCE are available as NECO mobile apps on Playstore. Also, you can use CBT software to practice SSCE questions if you have a laptop.
How to Pass NECO Without Stress
You cannot pass NECO without stress if you do not intend to cheat during the examination.
Be aware that exam malpractice is against the policy of the West Africa Examination Council. You will not get your result if you violate the rules of the examination body.
Prepare for your exam by going through the necessary stress.
NECO Exam Secret
The secret to passing NECO is to study for the exam using the WASSCE syllabus. Persistency in studying is the key to excellence. Attend tutorials
- Read your books every day
- Practice past questions
- Be confident in yourself
- Seek help to understand difficult topics
- Avoid social media distraction
Recommended Textbooks for NECO
The recommended textbooks for NECO are materials that help you to understand the subject matter in the syllabus. Get these textbooks from bookshops around you.
You can check the different recommended textbooks on the JAMB Integrated Brochure and Syllabus Syllabus System (IBASS).
You do not need to get all the recommended textbooks for your studies. Of course, there is no way that you can read all of them before your examination.
Get at least one of the recommended texts for each subject. The textbooks follow the NECO syllabus.
NECO Study Tips
The best time to study for your NECO exam is now. Even if you are in SSS1 or SSS2, you can begin to prepare for the SSCE exam.
Do not wait till your last class in senior secondary school before you start your preparations.
If you are currently in SSS 3, it is not too late to start your preparations. Draft out a study schedule that will work for you.
- I would love to hear from you in the comment box below. Ask me any questions about NECO, NECO, JAMB, Post UTME, etc.
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I wish you success in your exams and admission pursuit.